
By Gabriel da Fonseca Cavalcante

INPI establishes phase II of pilot-projet PPH with Japan (JPO)

The BPTO (Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office) published, by means Resolution No. 235/2019, the phase II of the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH) Project agreed with the Japanese Patent Office (JPO) last month. The program will come into force on April 1, 2019 and shall last for two years.
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Last by Gabriel da Fonseca Cavalcante

December 8, 2022

Sustainable agriculture, green technologies and IP in Brazil

Our partner Priscila Kashiwabara and specialists Breno Alves and Gabriel Cavalcante published the article “Sustainable agriculture, green technologies and IP in Brazil” in the Global Patent Prosecution Guide Sustainable agriculture, green technologies and IP in Brazil

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December 29, 2021

Sequence listing in ST.26 format is officially postponed until July 1, 2022 by the Brazilian PTO

On December 28, 2021, the BRPTO published, by means of the Official Gazette nº 2660, the Ordinance #56/2021, which establishes the procedures Sequence listing in ST.26 format is officially postponed until July 1, 2022 by the Brazilian PTO

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April 15, 2020

The Brazilian PTO establishes prioritization of technologies associated with the treatment and diagnosis of Covid-19

By means of publication made in the Official Gazette 2,570, dated April 7th, 2020, the Brazilian Patent Office promulgated Ordinance No. 149/2020, The Brazilian PTO establishes prioritization of technologies associated with the treatment and diagnosis of Covid-19

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