

ANPD releases the Priority Themes Map for the 2024-2025 biennium

Last Wednesday, December 13, 2023, the Brazilian National Data Protection Authority (“ANPD”) published the first Priority Themes Map (“MPT”) through Resolution CD/ANPD No. 10. The purpose of the document is to define the themes and priorities of the authority’s work, defining the objectives and monitoring parameters, in addition to defining the execution schedule for each of the themes.

The MPT has established four lines of action to be developed by 2025, in the following order:

1. Data subject’s rights – 1st semester of 2024;

2. Processing of Personal Data of Children and Adolescents in the digital environment – 2nd semester 2024;

3. Artificial Intelligence for facial recognition and personal data processing – 1st semester of 2025; and

4. Data scraping and data aggregators – 2nd semester of 2025.

It is possible to foresee an increase in the ANPD’s supervisory activity since the task “carry out supervisory activity (preventive, orientative or repressive)” is present in all four areas of activity disclosed. It is therefore important for processing agents to comply with the LGPD and ANPD regulations in order to avoid severe punishments.

The release of the Resolution is in line with the authority’s 2023-2024 Regulatory Agenda, released in 2022. At the time, it was pointed out that issues such as artificial intelligence, the protection of personal data of children and adolescents and the delimitation of technical security measures were already priorities for the authority in the coming years.

Our Digital Law team is following all the developments on this matter and is available at


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