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September 11, 2017

Ministry of Environment publishes templates of Benefit Sharing Agreements

The Ministry of Environment published templates of Benefit Sharing Agreements that enable users to regularize activities performed before the Biodiversity Act entered into force. Such regularization will be also available for the users who are exempted from benefit sharing under the rules of Biodiversity Act.
Such templates are available on:
These templates were approved by the Ordinance 350/2017, published on the Official Gazette on September 11, 2017.
Although SISGEN – the database system that will enable the registration of activities linked to access and benefit sharing, is not available at the present date – these templates will allow users to contact CGEN (the Council for the Management of Genetic Resources, in the Portuguese Acronym) in order to regularize activities linked to access and benefit sharing even if there are infraction notices pending of decision.
Our firm shall monitor any new development on this matter. Meanwhile, please feel free to contact us at

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July 5, 2021

Personalised medicine in Brazil: IP and regulatory challenges

Our partners Anderson Ribeiro, Aline Ferreira and Priscila Kashiwabara authored the chapter "Personalised medicine in Brazil: IP and regulatory challenges". This article first Personalised medicine in Brazil: IP and regulatory challenges

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June 24, 2021

Text of the Business Environment Bill is approved by the Chamber of Representatives, and it ends the prior approval for pharmaceutical patents, in addition to bringing relevant changes to trade names

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June 11, 2021

The first Action Plan for the implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy is approved

On June 9, 2021, the Interministerial Group on Industrial Property (GIPI, in the Portuguese acronym) approved the first Action Plan for the The first Action Plan for the implementation of the National Intellectual Property Strategy is approved

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