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November 22, 2016
IP Licensing In Brazil: Brazilian Antitrust Watchdog Reviews Its Rules On Agreements Subject To Prior Approval
It will come into force next Thursday (November 24, 2016) a new resolution issued by CADE (Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica), the Brazilian antitrust authority, that redefines the rules for the submission of “associative contracts” for prior approval.
September 28, 2016
The changes to Brazil’s Civil Procedure Code are welcome although it may take some years for them to be put into practice
After many years of scholarly and political debate within the National Congress, the new Brazilian Civil Procedure Code was passed into law last year and came in force in March 2016, replacing its 1973 predecessor. It is expected that the new rules of civil procedure will reduce litigation in Brazil by favouring alternative dispute resolution methods as well as by allowing and incentivising cooperation between the parties of lawsuits. In particular, we shall address some possible impacts for intellectual property litigation
July 1, 2016
Auto Parts: Brazilian Antitrust Authority Recommends the Sanctioning of Car Industries for IP Misuse Of Registered Industrial Designs
The Superintendency of the Brazilian antitrust authority (Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica – CADE) has recommended the sanctioning of three major automobile manufacturers for infringing the economic order on grounds of an alleged abuse of intellectual
property rights.
June 22, 2016
Getting the Deal Through: Advertising & Marketing / 2016
Getting the Deal Through: Advertising & Marketing / 2016
Reproduced with permission from Law Business Research Ltd. This article was first published in Getting the Deal Through: Advertising & Marketing 2016, (published in May 2016; contributing editor: Rick Kurnit, Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz, PC) For further information please visit
April 4, 2016
Newsletter 2016.05 We are prepared for the new Code of Civil Procedure!
Kasznar Leonardos Advogados' litigation team, specialized
in Intellectual Property matters, discussed the concrete
implementation of the new Code of Civil Procedure
(effective as of March 18, 2016) in a workshop held in the
São Paulo offices, on March 4 and 5, marking the closing
of a profound cycle of studies on the subject.
- Claudio Roberto Barbosa
- ...
- Gabriel Francisco Leonardos
- Paulo Rodrigo Bianco dos Santos
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- Elisabeth Kasznar Fekete
- Patricia de Souza Vaz
- Nancy Satiko Caigawa
- Rafael Lacaz Amaral
- Luciana Yumi Hiane Minada
- ...
- Pedro Vilhena
August 5, 2015
Newsletter 2015.11 – FRAND: Brazilian Antitrust Authority Dismissed a Case of Patent Misuse Involving Essential Patents of Cell Phone Technology International Standard
The Superintendency of the Brazilian antitrust authority (Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica – CADE) has dismissed a case brought against the holder of essential patents related to an international standard in cell phone technology. According to the
bureau, there was no infringement of the economic order concerning the abuse of intellectual property rights.
CADE's Superintendency is the first federal instance to analyze acts of economic concentration, such as mergers and acquisitions, and the occurrence of infringements of the constitutional economic order. CADE, the national antitrust watchdog, is encharged with enforcing the constitutional economic principles, such as free enterprise, freedom of competition, social role of property, consumer protection and the restraining of abusive behavior.
In the present case, the patentee of the international standard cell phone technology was accused of sham litigation and patent misuse, since it had sued the denouncing company, which tried to obtain the due licenses, for patent infringement.
February 12, 2015
Newsletter 2015.03 – Brazilian Antitrust Authority expected to decide cases of “sham litigation” involving patents in 2015
It is expected that, in 2015, the administrative court of the Brazilian antitrust authority (Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica – CADE) rules some important cases involving the sham litigation doctrine applied to intellectual property. It is expected that these cases will more accurately indicate what CADE understands as anticompetitive behavior and infringement of the economic system concerning the abuse of intellectual property rights.
CADE’s administrative court is a federal nonjudicial instance encharged with enforcing the constitutional economic principles, such as free enterprise, freedom of competition, social role of property, consumer protection and the restraining of abusive behavior. Among its institutional competences it can be mentioned the legally required prior consent to “acts of economical concentration”, such as mergers and acquisitions, and the application of sanctions to infringements of the economic order.
It is always worth remembering that the current Brazilian antitrust Act, differently from its predecessor, expressly considers the possibility of undue use of intellectual property rights as a hypothesis of infringement of the economic system. The administrative court forthcoming decisions this year will help to clarify what CADE understands as an abusive use of intellectual property rights.
The American doctrine of sham litigation, which forbids the abusive use of the judicial system as a way to constrain competitors by the lawsuit itself, regardless of the merits’ pertinence or chances of success, has already been applied by CADE in past decisions. The novelty this time falls within its application to intellectual property related cases.
February 10, 2015
Newsletter 2015.02 – IP Licensing Pitfall in Brazil: Brazilian Antitrust Authority Releases New Rule on Contracts Subject to Prior Approval
A new resolution defining the legal concept of “associative contract”, which was issued last year by CADE (Conselho Administrativo de Defesa Econômica) – the Brazilian antitrust authority – came into force in January 2015. According to the Brazilian current antitrust law (Law n. 12.529/2011), once other legal premises are met, such as annual revenue standards, “associative contracts” must be previously notified to and approved by CADE before being performed by the parties despite the fact that the Law does not clarify the meaning of “associative contracts”. Therefore CADE’s Resolução n°. 10 de 29 de outubro de 2014 is expected to eliminate the former legal uncertainty on which kinds of commercial agreements had to be submitted to CADE, a doubt that used to reach intellectual property licensing agreements.
Brazilian antitrust Law establishes that “acts of economical concentration” must be previously submitted to CADE’s approval before coming into force whenever (a) the annual gross revenue in Brazil of one of the parties involved is of 750 million BRL or more and (b) the annual gross revenue in Brazil of the other party is of 75 million BRL or more.
In addition to these parameters, section 90 of the Law lists the strict cases which shall be considered “acts of economical concentration”, the majority of which are related to mergers and acquisitions. Exception made to item (IV) which provides for the prior consent of CADE to “associative contract, consortium or joint venture” though without defining the meaning of “associative contract”, which could reach several agreements with no repercussion on market competition.
June 1, 2014
The building blocks of change
The past couple of years have seen some major developments in how Brazilian courts interpret and enforce trademark law at all levels. This article reviews some of the latest changes related to protection for non-traditional trademarks, the special rule for determining jurisdiction in trademark infringement cases and the administrative seizure of counterfeits by Customs.
The 1996 Brazilian Industrial Property Act (9,279/96) establishes a mixed trademark protection system by which an attributive arrangement grants first-to-file protection rights along with some declaratory system exceptions, such as *bona fide* six-month prior use of an unregistered trademark. Despite general satisfaction with this system, it is a fact that the law admits only the registration of visual-perceptive signs as trademarks (Section 122).
However, this limitation does not mean that non-visual signs which function as trademarks are bereft of protection. The Industrial Property Act sets out a so-called ‘gen
May 1, 2014
Advertising and Marketing – Getting the Deal Through (Brazil Chapter)
1 What are the principal statutes regulating advertising generally?
The legal basis for the provision of advertisement regulation is set forth by the 1988 Brazilian Constitution, which determines that the law will provide for special rules on the advertising of products and services that may offer health and environmental risks, such as tobacco, alcohol and medicines (section 220, paragraph 3, II, and paragraph 4).