
By Luciana Yumi Hiane Minada

November 28, 2024

We are ranked on Análise Advocacia 2025

We are honored to announce that we have been ranked by Análise Advocacia – 2025 Edition among the most admired firms in We are ranked on Análise Advocacia 2025

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October 1, 2024

Kasznar Leonardos participated in the 38th Annual MARQUES Conference

Our partners Flávia Tremura and Luciana Minada participated this month in the 38th Annual MARQUES Conference, a European association that represents the Kasznar Leonardos participated in the 38th Annual MARQUES Conference

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September 6, 2024

Kasznar Leonardos will be attending the 38th MARQUES Annual Conference

Our partners Flávia Benzatti Tremura Polli Rodrigues and Luciana Minada will be attending the 38th MARQUES Annual Conference, which will take place Kasznar Leonardos will be attending the 38th MARQUES Annual Conference

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September 12, 2023

Kasznar Leonardos will be at Marques 2023

Our partners Luciana Yumi Hiane Minada and Flávia T. Polli Rodrigues will be participating in the 2023 edition of the MARQUES Annual Kasznar Leonardos will be at Marques 2023

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June 22, 2023

Kasznar Leonardos was ranked in Chambers Brazil 2023

We are proud to announce the recognition of Kasznar Leonardos in the 2023 edition of the Chambers Brazil Guide: Industries & Sectors, Kasznar Leonardos was ranked in Chambers Brazil 2023

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April 4, 2016

Newsletter 2016.05 We are prepared for the new Code of Civil Procedure!

Kasznar Leonardos Advogados' litigation team, specialized

in Intellectual Property matters, discussed the concrete

implementation of the new Code of Civil Procedure

(effective as of March 18, 2016) in a workshop held in the

São Paulo offices, on March 4 and 5, marking the closing

of a profound cycle of studies on the subject.

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January 21, 2015

Newsletter 2015.01 – Restoration of Patents in Brazil: An Important Victory for Patentees

As informed in our Newsletters # 2 (January 2014) and # 6 (August 2014), a serious controversy regarding the restoration of patents and of patent applications with annuities in arrears arose from the enactment by the Brazilian Patent Office (hereinafter “INPI”) of Resolution No. 113/2013 (hereinafter “INPI’s Resolution”). Such controversy is due to the contradiction between item 13 of INPI’s Resolution and Sections 86 and 87 of the Brazilian Industrial Property Act (Law No. 9,279/96 – IP Act): although the IP Act allows the restoration of the patent or of the application upon request of its owner within 3 (three) months from the publication of the forfeiture’s notice, INPI’s Resolution set forth that in case multiple annuities (two or more) are left unpaid, a patent or a patent application could no longer be restored.


Given that, on July 10, 2014, the Brazilian Association of Industrial Property Agents (ABAPI) filed a class action before the 25th Federal Court of Rio de Janeiro, aiming the invalidation of item 13 of INPI’s Resolution and the reversion of all the definitive shelving and extinction decisions that were based on such provision.


Recently, on January 13, 2015, Federal Judge Eduardo André Brandão de Brito Fernandes rendered his decision and granted ABAPI’s requests, determining that all shelving and extinction decisions based on item 13 of INPI’s Resolution are void and ordering that INPI complies with Section 87 of IP Act, i.e., patentees must be notified so that, if it is of their interest, they might be able to restore its patent or application by paying the proper official fees. Such decision also granted the injunction request to immediately suspend the effects of item 13 of INPI’s Resolution and, therefore, it will have immediate effect and the 9,745 patents and patent applications that had already been declared shelved and extinct by INPI must now be reinstated.

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