
By Rosane Tavares

November 26, 2024

Kasznar Leonardos will be at ASIPI Panama 2024

Kasznar Leonardos will be attending the ASIPI Panama 2024. Our partners Gabriel Leonardos and Rosane Tavares will represent us in Panama City Kasznar Leonardos will be at ASIPI Panama 2024

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July 24, 2024

Kasznar Leonardos will attend the 44th ABPI Congress

The 44th International Congress on Intellectual Property, promoted by the Brazilian Intellectual Property Association (ABPI) is coming, and Kasznar Leonardos’ presence is guaranteed! Kasznar Leonardos will attend the 44th ABPI Congress

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June 5, 2024

Kasznar Leonardos attends ASIPI event in Guatemala

Kasznar Leonardos took part in the Congress “¿Coexistencia o Colisión? Desafíos y oportunidades en la era de la Inteligencia Artificial”, promoted by Kasznar Leonardos attends ASIPI event in Guatemala

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December 22, 2023

Annuity Payments in Brazil: New Regulations

The Braz. Patent Office published on December 19, 2023 new rules regarding the payment and settlement of annuities, in order to enable Annuity Payments in Brazil: New Regulations

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December 14, 2023

Patent applications: BPTO shifts priority to examination request dates for faster decisions in Brazil

The Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) has just announced that it will now order the distribution and technical examination of patent Patent applications: BPTO shifts priority to examination request dates for faster decisions in Brazil

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December 7, 2023

Kasznar Leonardos participates in ASIPI 2023

We have been represented by our partners Gabriel Leonardos and Rosane Tavares at the XXII ASIPI Congress, which took place this week Kasznar Leonardos participates in ASIPI 2023

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November 27, 2023

Kasznar Leonardos will be at XXII ASIPI Congress

Our partners Gabriel Leonardos and Rosane Tavares will represent Kasznar Leonardos at the XXII ASIPI Congress, in Mexico City, between December 3 Kasznar Leonardos will be at XXII ASIPI Congress

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October 26, 2023

Kasznar Leonardos represented at the AIPPI World Congress 2023

We, from Kasznar Leonardos, were represented at the AIPPI World Conference held in Istanbul, Turkey. Our partners, João Luís Vianna, Gabriel Leonardos, Kasznar Leonardos represented at the AIPPI World Congress 2023

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May 30, 2023

Brazilian Patent Office (INPI) announces plan to grant patents in just 2 years

In an online meeting convened by the INPI on May 25, 2023, representatives of the main national associations for studies and intellectual Brazilian Patent Office (INPI) announces plan to grant patents in just 2 years

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