

November 7, 2023

Brazilian Finance Ministry Issues New Regulation For Sports Betting Market

On October 27, the Brazilian Finance Ministry (MF) issued a significant regulatory milestone for sports betting activities (Ordinance No. 1,300/2023) which establishes the Brazilian Finance Ministry Issues New Regulation For Sports Betting Market

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October 30, 2023

ANVISA’s Personal Data Protection Policy is released

On October 19, 2023, the Federal Official Gazette (DOU) published Administrative Order 1,184/2023, which provides for the National Health Surveillance Agency’s (Anvisa) ANVISA’s Personal Data Protection Policy is released

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October 27, 2023

2023 – 2025 Action Plan for the Brazilian Intellectual Property National Strategy Announced by GIPI

The Interministerial Group on Intellectual Property (“GIPI’, in the Portuguese acronym), has announced its 2023-2025 Action Plan for implementing the Brazilian Intellectual 2023 – 2025 Action Plan for the Brazilian Intellectual Property National Strategy Announced by GIPI

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October 18, 2023

Lexology GTDT – Designs 2024

The chapter “Designs,” authored by our partners Viviane Trojan, Tarso Mesquita Machado, Fábio Ferreira, and specialist Felipe Florentino Lisboa, has been published in Lexology’s special Lexology GTDT – Designs 2024

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October 11, 2023

Brazilian Data Protection Authority applies the second penalty for non-compliance with LGPD

Three months after imposing the first fine on a company, the Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD) issued last Friday (06/10) a new sanction Brazilian Data Protection Authority applies the second penalty for non-compliance with LGPD

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October 9, 2023

Green light from ANVISA regarding the registration of biosimilar medicines in Brazil

The National Health Surveillance Agency (ANVISA) has approved the opening of a Public Consultation to amend the regulation of biosimilar medicines in Brazil Green light from ANVISA regarding the registration of biosimilar medicines in Brazil

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October 4, 2023

Central Bank publishes Resolution on information security incidents involving personal data in the PIX system

Last week, the Brazilian Central Bank (BACEN) published the Resolution 347 of September 26, 2023, which established the need of financial institutions Central Bank publishes Resolution on information security incidents involving personal data in the PIX system

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October 2, 2023

WTR – Brazil: Economic success matched by a surge in counterfeiting

Please read the article titled ‘Brazil: Economic success matched by a surge in counterfeiting,’ published on WTR and authored by Rafael Lacaz WTR – Brazil: Economic success matched by a surge in counterfeiting

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September 13, 2023

BPTO publishes the 2nd ed. of the Industrial Designs Manual

By means of Ordinance INPI/PR Nr. 36 of September 6, 2023, published on September 12, 2023, the Brazilian PTO has published the BPTO publishes the 2nd ed. of the Industrial Designs Manual

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August 17, 2023

Avanci launches 5G standard-essential patent licensing program for the automotive industry

On August 16, 2023, the first patent pool for the next generation of connected vehicles capable of using 5G (“Avanci 5G Vehicle“) was launched. Avanci launches 5G standard-essential patent licensing program for the automotive industry

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August 14, 2023

Chamber of Deputies approves Bill that strenghtens the BRPTO budget

It is nothing new that the BRPTO has suffered for years from the delay in examining patent and trademark applications. For instance, Chamber of Deputies approves Bill that strenghtens the BRPTO budget

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August 10, 2023

GIPI Resolution creates Technical Intelligence Group on Industrial Property

On August 8, GIPI/MDIC Resolution No. 7, of August 4, 2023 was published in the Federal Official Gazette, establishing the Technical Intelligence Group on GIPI Resolution creates Technical Intelligence Group on Industrial Property

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