

December 4, 2020

New partners for Litigation and Patents

Kasznar Leonardos is pleased to announce the promotion of three new partners, effective January 2021. Ísis Valaziane and Luciana Minada will become New partners for Litigation and Patents

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September 29, 2020

Kasznar Leonardos welcomes Marcel Nadal Michelman as our Of Counsel in the USA

Based in New York City, Marcel will help strengthen our capabilities in the US and Asian markets by helping our clients to Kasznar Leonardos welcomes Marcel Nadal Michelman as our Of Counsel in the USA

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August 1, 2019

Kasznar Leonardos has a new partner expert in international business

With more than 20 years' experience in legal and intellectual property areas, Maria Pia Guerra has joined our firm as Executive Director of our international unit I’B The IP Hub

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July 10, 2018

Kasznar Leonardos welcomes new partner specialized in Patents

Rosane Tavares has more than 30 years' experience in Intellectual Property.

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April 20, 2018

Brazilian Superior Court of Justice decides its first mailbox case

On April 17, 2018 the Superior Court of Justice had the opportunity to analyze the first Special Appeal addressing the term of Brazilian Superior Court of Justice decides its first mailbox case

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November 9, 2017

Supreme Court dismisses lawsuit against rule that guarantees a minimum term for patent protection

In a decision made available on the 7th of November, Judge of the Supreme Court Luiz Fux dismissed a lawsuit by which Supreme Court dismisses lawsuit against rule that guarantees a minimum term for patent protection

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August 9, 2017

Published ANVISA’s new rule relative to the prior consent for the granting of a patent for pharmaceutical products and processes

On August 8 2017 ANVISA officially published the new Rule RDC Nº 168, related to the prior consent of the Agency on patent applications for pharmaceutical products and processes, regulated by Joint Ordinance ANVISA-INPI No. 1, dated April 12, 2017, aiming to a more efficient way to analyze patent applications.

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August 3, 2017

Medical Devices – ANVISA´s Public Consultation to extend the registration term

ANVISA has published, on 08/02/2017, in the Federal Register, the the Public Consultation 371/2017 to discuss the extension, from 5 to 10 Medical Devices – ANVISA´s Public Consultation to extend the registration term

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August 2, 2017

Opened for Public Consultation a Proposal for a Resolution to regulate a simplified allowance procedure for patent applications in Brazil

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MDIC) and the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (INPI) have opened for Public Consultation a Proposal for a Resolution to regulate a simplified allowance procedure for patent applications in Brazil, aiming to deal in a swift manner with the ever increasing backlog of patent applications awaiting examination, currently exceeding the figure of 230.000.

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August 2, 2017

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce and the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office launch a Public Consultation on a Proposal for dealing with the Patent Applications’ backlog

The Ministry of Industry and Commerce (MDIC) and the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (INPI) have opened for Public Consultation a Proposal for a Resolution to regulate a simplified allowance procedure for patent applications in Brazil, aiming to deal in a swift manner with the ever increasing backlog of patent applications awaiting examination, currently exceeding the figure of 230.000.

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July 13, 2017

3D Printing – ANVISA orders shutdown of production line of customized prostheses

ANVISA has informed in its website, on 07/04/2017, the undertake of an operation that determined the shutdown, for at least 30 days, of a manufacturing line of personalized face and skull prostheses.
According to ANVISA, the Senai Joinville (a branch of the National Industrial Apprentice Service) has been manufacturing customized prostheses without authorization of the regulatory agency.


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June 8, 2017

IAM Patent 1000 classifies Kasznar Leonardos among the leadind firms

This is the sixth edition of the IAM Patent 1000 – The World's Leading Patent Professionals, a guide that identifies leading firms and patent professionals around the world. Kasznar Leonardos is once again ranked in the gold category of the guide, positioning itself among the market leaders.

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June 6, 2017

Kasznar Leonardos announces new partner

With the aim of expanding the office's operations and reinforcing its growth strategy, we announce the arrival of the lawyer Fernanda Magalhães, who will lead an important area for the development of KL: Marketing & Entertainment Law.

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June 2, 2017

Kasznar Leonardos stands out in 8 categories of the Leaders League ranking

Kasznar Leonardos was featured in the ranking Innovation – Technology and Intellectual Property 2017, released by the Leaders League. The firm was classified in 8 categories, having 11 partners mentioned in the publication. 

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